

How pendamic
August 24, 2020
How Pandemic is Reshaping traditional Advertising?

'Uncertainty' is undoubtedly the current buzzword. But for the unprecedented and tragic circumstances of COVID-19 under which this buzzword originated, it would be a term that advertisers would normally attach and leverage in hashtags on social media and the other

Impact of covid
August 24, 2020
Impact of the coronavirus pandemic on e-commerce consumption.

There are a lot of complicated and intricate variables in play today that have impacted the continuity and success of e-commerce businesses within the coronavirus scenarios. The crisis has resulted in forced shutdowns of many brick and mortar businesses, and

Google Ads
August 4, 2020
Top 7 Checklist and Steps for Google Ads.

This Google Ads Campaign Setup Checklist will assist you to line up a profitable Google Ads campaign. When setting up correctly, Google Ads can be a very powerful tool to send quality visitors to your site that converts! Follow these

Google Ads
July 6, 2020
Google Ads vs Facebook Ads – How They Work

Google Ads with its paid search based offerings, lets business owners target users supported the search query they enter on Google, also referred to as keywords. Primarily text-based, these ads are aimed toward showing relevant promoted results to users which

Ads manager
July 6, 2020
10 Things everyone should know about Facebook Ads Manager.

Facebook advertising: We now realize it bolsters the reach of your organic posts and using the planet’s most ubiquitous social media platform to drive leads or sales also has its perks.Engaging ad formats. An unrivalled suite of targeting options. Enough

Google Ads.
June 15, 2020
Importance of Google Ads.

Unseen auctions happen at lightning speed nearly whenever you search a product or service in Google.  Why are so many of them fighting for you like this? Because the tools from Google AdWords tell them that your click may eventually

May 9, 2019
Why Programmatic Ads are getting buzz in the market

Why Programmatic Ads are getting buzz in the market Programmatic advertising is now the dominant form of buying and optimizing digital advertising. Knowing the fundamentals of programmatic and the way it works is important for marketers. Why? It’s a major

May 9, 2019
SEO Checklist you must follow

On-Page SEO vs. Off-Page SEO Off-page SEO is nothing quite different to mention link building. Link building (or “off-page SEO”) is the process of acquiring backlinks to your website. While on-page SEO is the foundation you need to rank, you’ll

April 5, 2019
Regional Marketing through Social Media

The big shift has been new internet users in India coming from smaller towns, which may not be primarily English speaking or English-comfortable. Says Vikas Tandon, managing director at Six String Ventures and ex-founder of Indigo Consulting, “Even major apps

March 19, 2019
Which platform is best to connect youth?

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